Produced by Bowie and Ken Scott, Ziggy… is probably Bowie’s most lauded record. A huge commercial success, it frequently appears in ‘Best Album’ lists and is cited by many as a significant influence. Sparkling with the romance of pop stardom – outrage, drugs, sexual ambiguity and unashamed glamour – it is a concept album telling the tale of a fictional pop-star and his band. Its victory was compounded by an infamous performance of its fourth track, Starman, on the UK’s Top Of The Pops where – all spiky orange hair, multi-coloured jumpsuit and bright eye make-up – Bowie merrily camped it up with his arm draped over Spiders’ guitarist Mick Ronson.
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders From Mars, released in 1972. Order via Amazon UK & US below: