Philippe Auliac feature including very rare Bowie footage…

March 17th, 2015 | by Nick
Philippe Auliac feature including very rare Bowie footage…

Philippe Auliac is a French photo journalist who first photographed David Bowie in 1976, he has since photographed and worked with David for over 30 years.

Here we will look at some of his photographs of David and also share very rare video footage of David that Philippe has very kindly given us from his vaults for this feature and you will have the chance to win one of Philippe’s stunning pictures of David signed!


Click on all pics for full size versions!


Watch a clip from a previous exhibition about Philippe below:


Below Philippe’s first pictures of David at London’s Victoria Station in 1976:



Here’s the first clip from Philippe’s archive, ‘TVC15’ performed live in Paris in 1976:


half face bowie auliac


Here’s another clip of Bowie in Paris from Philippe’s archive:

db plaza int


Wembley 1976 contact sheet 1:



Wembley 1976 contact sheet 2:



Competition time!

For your chance to win a signed by Philippe print of one of his classic Bowie shots, simply answer the following question:

On what date was Philippe’s shot of Bowie at Victoria Station taken?

Email your answer to

Competition closes this Sunday at 1pm (UK) time.

Good luck!!

*The competition is now closed and was won by Steve Price, who correctly answered May 2nd 1976!

More classic shots of Bowie live in 1976:

db live 76 philippe auliac


Below are a selection of Phillipe’s pictures:

Iggy Pop at Chateau Herouville

Iggy ChateauHerouville


Robert Fripp at Hansa Studios




Philippe photographing Bowie in 1987

AuliacBowie 87

Bowie with monkey for Zowie at Amsterdam Airport



db yves mourousiAnd finally here is an incredibly rare interview with David by Yves Mourousi from June 27th 1977 from Philippe’s archive:


All photographs © Philippe Auliac unless otherwise stated and may not be used without permission.

You can follow Philippe on Twitter at: @PhilippeAuliac

For more information on Philippe, click here:

Many, many thanks to Philippe Auliac.

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