Mike Garson Q&A for David Bowie News!

February 11th, 2016 | by Nick
Mike Garson Q&A for David Bowie News!

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Legendary pianist and long time David Bowie collaborator Mike Garson has very kindly agreed to answer your questions!

Please send your question (1 per person) for Mike to info@davidbowienews.com

Mike will then pick his favourite questions and they will be answered on DavidBowieNews.com 

Deadline for sending your questions in is Wednesday February 17th at Midnight (UK) time.

The Q&A feature will run in March.

*As part of our Q&A with Mike Garson next month we will be running an exclusive competition to win an Aladdin Sane maxi poster signed by Mike himself!

AS poster


Many thanks to Mike for taking the time to do this.

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