Exclusive audio! Iggy Pop & David Bowie rehearsing Sister Midnight & China Girl at Château d’Hérouville in July 1976!

August 4th, 2019 | by Nick
Exclusive audio! Iggy Pop & David Bowie rehearsing Sister Midnight & China Girl at Château d’Hérouville in July 1976!


From the archive of French photographer Philippe Auliac, we can exclusively bring you audio of Iggy Pop and David Bowie rehearsing Sister Midnight & China Girl during the 1976 recording sessions for Iggy’s debut solo album ‘The Idiot’ at Château d’Hérouville, France in July 1976.

*The album’s opening track, “Sister Midnight”, was written by Bowie, Pop and guitarist Carlos Alomar, and performed live on the Station to Station tour in early 1976. In July that year, following the end of the tour, Bowie and Pop holed up in Château d’Hérouville, the same locale where Bowie recorded Pin Ups (1973) and would soon record much of Low, and began putting together the rest of the songs that later became The Idiot. At the Château they were augmented by Laurent Thibault on bass and Michel Santangeli on drums, who were required, with minimal guidance, to add to rough music tracks already taped by Bowie, their first takes often becoming part of the final mix.

Also included here is a 1987 interview with Iggy talking about recording the album.

Many thanks to Philippe Auliac.

You can follow Philippe on Twitter here


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