David Bowie – Boys Keep Swinging (Tony Visconti 2017 Remix)

April 27th, 2020 | by Nick
David Bowie – Boys Keep Swinging (Tony Visconti 2017 Remix)


David Bowie – Boys Keep Swinging (Tony Visconti 2017 Remix)

On this day, the 27th of April 1979, “Boys Keep Swinging”, David Bowie’s long-awaited new single was in the shops.

Boys Keep Swinging is a very personal record for me. At that time, I was a young kid who was crazy about David Bowie. I had been playing Stage, the previous years live album, to death for the previous 6 months. So yes, I went straight out with my pocket money to the local record shop, to buy my copy of Boys Keep Swinging.

I would have been at school on Friday, the 27th of April. So I probably bought Boys Keep Swinging on the Saturday morning in Croydon. I don’t recall which record shop I went to. The only record shop in Croydon I can remember from those days was Beanos, the second hand store – an extraordinary and life-changing universe – but that’s another story.

After such a long wait for new Bowie gear, I think I remember being somewhat underwhelmed at first by the Boys Keep Swinging single. I don’t remember why exactly. Perhaps, Boys… seemed too much of a throwaway and ironic pop song, whereas I’d been expecting more of a dark and serious rocker – another Blackout or Beauty and the Beast? Perhaps I didn’t get the murky and muted, lo-fi sound? Or maybe it was because the single didn’t rock quite like the stomping raw “live” version I’d seen on The Kenny Everett Show, earlier in the week?

Boys Keep Swinging did grow on me of course, and like all the great Bowie records of the 70’s, it has become indelibly burnt into my soul.

This was an easy bit of editing. The Tony Visconti 2017 remix is a little longer than the original ’79 mix, so I stretched that latter part of the vid to accommodate that. Not much else really. In fact, the graphic for the cover photo probably took as long to do as the video editing!

Thanks for watching, hope you dig it!


Video sources:
• David Bowie • Boys Keep Swinging official promo video • Directed by David Mallet • 1979
• David Bowie Plus Five • Audio Visual Room NYC • Interview by Karen Mecklenburg • Broadcast by WNYC TV • 29th October 1981

Audio Sources:
• David Bowie • Boys Keep Swinging • Tony Visconti 2017 Remix • From the album Lodger 2017

David Bowie • vocals, guitar
Adrian Belew • guitar
Dennis Davis • bass guitar
Tony Visconti • bass guitar
Carlos Alomar • drums
Brian Eno • piano
Simon House • violin
Tony Visconti & David Bowie • Production
Tony Visconti • Remix

Always more videos to follow, so please keep your electric eye on me babe!

I don’t own the rights, and I’m not making any money out of this etc. Just a fan making videos for other fans.

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I edit, therefore I am.

#DavidBowie #Lodger #TonyVisconti #DavidMallet #AdrianBelew #BrianEno

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