This video is my attempt to make maximum use of the recently emerged 26 seconds of David Bowie live at the San Diego Sports Arena Diamond Dogs tour footage, discovered in the San Diego CBS 8 archives, and uploaded to their YouTube channel this week.
Here the Aladdin Sane element of that 26 seconds has been combined with footage from one of the Universal Amphitheater performances a few day’s earlier, and some fan-shot Super 8 footage from the New Haven show 2 months prior. Tragically, these few short sections are the only known footage in circulation of Bowie performing Aladdin Sane on the tour.
The footage is synced to an excerpt of Aladdin Sane, from the 2017 album, Cracked Actor, recorded at the aforementioned Universal Amphitheater show.
To fill in the gaps between the sections of footage, I’ve added interview clips of Bowie in 1974, going through a trunk of his former stage clothes and talking about the elaborate Aladdin Sane costumes he’d sported the previous year. It’s a pity to fade Mike Garson’s brilliant piano soloing, but I was unable to come up with another solution.
The interview clips and the Universal Amphitheater footage, originate from the 1975 (but shot in ‘74) Cracked Actor documentary, produced and directed by Alan Yentob. To this day, Cracked Actor is the best David Bowie documentary, and is surely one of the greatest music documentaries of all time.
Just two minutes of a mostly the instrumental section – what a lot of fuss over nothing, you might say? But you see, footage of the Diamond Dogs tour is such a very rare thing. And desperate fans of that era – and I include myself in their number – know that every tiny little nugget of that gold is of enormous value!
Video Source:
Universal Amphitheatre • 5th of September 1974 & Interview footage •
Cracked Actor • 1975 BBC documentary • Produced & Directed by Alan Yentob
San Diego Sports Arena • 11th September 1974 • CBS 8 San Diego
Live at the New Haven Colosseum • 5th of July 1974 • Uncredited Super 8 footage
Music Source:
David Bowie • Aladdin Sane • Cracked Actor • Live at the Universal Amphitheatre • 5th September 1974 • Produced by David Bowie • Mixed by Tony Visconti • Released 2017
David Bowie • Vocals
Earl Slick • Guitar
Carlos Alomar • Rhythm Guitar
Mike Garson • Piano, Mellotron
David Sanborn • Alto Sax, Flute
Richard Grando • Baritone Sax, Flute
Doug Rauch • Bass
Greg Errico • Drums
Pablo Rosario • Percussion
Gui Andrisano • Backing Vocals
Warren Peace • Backing Vocals
Ava Cherry • Backing Vocals
Robin Clark • Backing Vocals
Anthony Hinton • Backing Vocals
Diane Sumler • Backing Vocals
Luther Vandross • Backing Vocals
“Watching him dash away…”
This video is dedicated to my mate Matt Day, who I found out yesterday, has passed away this week.
Matt and I never met. But we corresponded a lot for several years about our shared passion – rare David Bowie video and audio. Matt had been in the game a lot longer than me. When I came on the scene, hungry for material to create videos with, Matt was incredibly open and friendly, he was a big supporter of my work and he was extraordinarily generous with his treasures. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Matt who originally provided me with the New Haven ’74 footage contained in this vid.
And so, Matt operated in refreshing contrast to some others on the David Bowie collectors scene. For a variety of mostly spurious reasons, there are Bowie collectors who hoard their prizes, locking up important historical material for themselves only, often boasting about their jewels, but utterly unwilling to let others enjoy. Looking now at the last messages Matt and I exchanged, his final comment to me was, “Yeah mate at least we have all the (Bowie) footage between us”. Note the “we”.
Matt also shared with me the lists he painstakingly compiled himself, of every known piece of Bowie footage and every known Bowie audio recording. These vast and comprehensive lists must have been a massive undertaking. Matt’s lists have been by far the most useful documents in the research done for my Bowie video making. In my extensive and ongoing use of Matt’s lists these last few years, I have rarely found a significant error or omission.
Matt was also a huge fan of superb British rabble rousers, IDLES. Here’s a video on Matt’s YouTube channel of the moment he spontaneously fronted his heroes – yes that’s Matt in the bright pink jacket, screaming his lungs out into the mic
Rock In Peace Matt Day, you fucking beauty.
Always more videos to follow, so please keep your electric eye on me babe!
I don’t own the rights, and I’m not making any money out of this etc. Just a fan making videos for other fans.
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#DavidBowie #AladdinSane #DiamondDogs #MikeGarson