David Bowie – Starman (Top Of The Pops Version – 2022 Mix)

June 16th, 2022 | by Nick
16th June, 2022— Today marks the 50th anniversary of the release of David Bowie’s THE RISE AND FALL OF ZIGGY STARDUST AND THE SPIDERS FROM MARS. To celebrate, Parlophone Records is proud to announce a special streaming single to mark the album’s Golden Jubilee, STARMAN (TOP OF THE POPS VERSION 2022 MIX).
David Bowie’s performance of STARMAN on Top Of The Pops is undoubtedly one of the most essential pieces of music television ever broadcast. It has influenced generations of musicians, artists and writers who saw it at the time and countless others who have since seen it over the decades, from bootleg VHS copies to YouTube clips.

The Top Of The Pops broadcast recording, taken from the BBC’s master, was released on the STARMAN 7″ pic disc in 2012 and now changes hands for hundreds of pounds. Back in 1972, the Musicians Union rules stated that to appear on Top Of The Pops, the artist must re-record their track and, in this case, sing live over the top. This new version of STARMAN takes the backing track (recorded at Trident Studios on 29th June) and backing vocals, featuring a one-off Bowie ad-lib “Hey Brown Cow”, recorded for the show and adds the lead vocals from the album version (recorded at Trident Studios on 4th February). This new mix was created by ZIGGY STARDUST co-producer Ken Scott from the multi-tracks earlier this year.

(Via David Bowie Official on Facebook)

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