David Bowie AKA Space Oddity 1969

February 28th, 2014 | by Nick
David Bowie AKA Space Oddity 1969

Somewhat confusingly, this album was released on the Philips label in the UK as ‘David Bowie’ and by Mercury in the US as ‘Man of Words/Man of Music’. It was later renamed ‘Space Oddity’ and released on RCA, THEN reverted to ‘David Bowie’ for a 2009 reissue. While now being considered the first ‘proper’ David Bowie album, it was greeted with little enthusiasm at its time of release. However, it went on to have some success as the now iconic title single charted at number five in the UK Hit Parade in 1969. Produced by Tony Visconti and featuring, among other notables, Herbie Flowers and Rick Wakeman, it has folky undertones and heavily-orchestrated sections, ranging from a sweet little love song – Letter To Hermione – to epic nine-minute prog-rock masterpiece Cygnet Committee.

David Bowie (AKA Space Oddity), released in 1969. Order via Amazon UK & US below..

CDVinyl. (UK)

CDVinyl. (US)


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