(Click above to enlarge)
This limited edition trio of prints has been compiled to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the launch of the Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) album which was released on the 12th September 1980.
Produced on Permajet Titanium gloss silver paper, with a delicate metallic sheen and printed and mounted to the larger A2 size in a soft silver mount (matching our Aladdin Sane Silver Collection). Prints limited to 500 and ghosted with the Duffy signature and hand numbered on the front by Chris Duffy.
Check out a video of the print..
This session was the fifth session that Duffy shot with David Bowie, Duffy had given up stills photography but David persuaded him to shoot one final album cover together. As Duffy had closed his own studio the session was taken in Chris Duffy’s studio in Little Russell Street, London (later to become the Cartoon Museum). Chris assisted his father and shot the images for the PR campaign. The central image was used in the 7″ Ashes to Ashes singles released from the album and Chris has remastered the ‘stamps’ around the edges. Originally Bowie had used a marker pen on the ‘stamps’ creating graffiti imagery.
Bowie had requested costume designer Natasha Korniloff to make him ‘the most beautiful clown in the circus’ and this Pierrot costume – referencing his work with mime artist Lindsay Kemp – was exhibited as part of the David Bowie is exhibition. Richard Sharah was the make up artist introduced to Bowie by Steve Strange of the Blitz Club. Bowie describes this album as ‘wrapping up the 70’s’
You can own this stunning hand numbered, limited edition print for only £225 + p&p during September
** (The price will increase to £295 + p&p from October) **
**As a few people asked if they could buy the print at the reduced price but in October, the lovely people at the Duffy Archive have given us an exclusive code, which enables you to get the print all through October, just enter the code DBNSM40 at the checkout to purchase your hand numbered print for the reduced price of £225 + p&p**
Due to the limited nature of the edition, all prints will be sent in number order on a first come first served basis.
Order yours here
#davidbowie #scarymonsters40 #duffyarchive