Kristeen Young Unearths David Bowie Collaboration for Her Forthcoming Record Store Day Release
Watch the video “American Landfill,” a reworking of her 2003 Bowie-featuring “Saviour.”
Video directed, shot and edited by Kristeen Young in NYC in late March/April 2020 (utilizing whatever was available in the early shelter-in-place-corona virus-lockdown time period)
American Landfill (KRO Records/Sony) is a re-imagined re-production of the original song, Saviour (written by Kristeen Young), from the Kristeen Young album, Breasticles.
American Landfill was produced and mixed by Justin Raisen (guitars and synths) and Kristeen Young (piano). Engineered by Anthony Paul Lopez (drums). Original vocals produced by Tony Visconti.
Digital release October 14, 2020. vinyl release on EP compilation, The Turning (Kate’s Diary), for the Floria Sigismondi film, The Turning, for Record Store Day October 24, 2020. (KRO Records/Sony)
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