david live
September 5th, 2020 | by
NickThe show was recorded at NBC Studios in Burbank, Los Angeles on September 3rd 1980. It was broadcast forty years ago on this day, the 5th of September 1980. • Performing with Bowie on the Tonight Show, was a one-off band....

September 3rd, 2020 | by
Nick Forty years ago today, Bowie popped up on the New York City-based early morning TV show, Good Morning America and gave this short interview with host Joan Lunden. • Despite what he says in the interview, at this...
![[Video] DAVID BOWIE’S DIAMOND DOGS TOUR REHEARSALS – PORT CHESTER NY (1974)]()
david live
August 30th, 2020 | by
NickFilmed on June 8 1974 during the first day of stage rehearsals at the Capitol Theater in Port Chester, NY. It’s believed to have been filmed by cameraman John Dove using a single RCA video camera in the theater’s...

August 24th, 2020 | by
NickThere is a great mystery at the heart of The Man Who Fell to Earth, Nicolas Roeg’s cult film: its soundtrack. There is a persistent rumour that long-lost music for the film – recorded by its star David Bowie – sits...

david live
August 16th, 2020 | by
Nick David Bowie and the ’76 live band, close to the start of the Station To Station Tour, perform a moving version of Five Years for a U.S. daytime television audience. It is surely one of the finest TV performances of...

August 14th, 2020 | by
NickReckoning is just that… it’s well past time for us, as a nation, to reckon with the past and how it has and continues to manifest in today’s reality of social and racial inequality. It runs deep and we all have to be...

August 12th, 2020 | by
NickIn celebration of the 45th anniversary of David Bowie’s US release of Fame becoming his first #1 single anywhere in the world, Parlophone will issue a limited edition ‘bricks & mortar’* only, gold vinyl version of the...

August 11th, 2020 | by
NickTony Visconti has been described as one of the most important producers in the history of rock. Here are just a few of the classic musical moments Visconti helped to create. “Get It On (Bang A Gong)” and “Cosmic Dancer”...

August 10th, 2020 | by
NickThis is an update on the recordings I produced with David in the mid-1960s that Bowie fans may not know about, apart from the usual Internet rumors! First, you’ll find links here to the tracks by The Manish Boys and “Davy...

August 9th, 2020 | by
NickThis series explores the history of MainMan, which was a rights management organization formed by entrepreneur and impresario Tony Defries that helped to develop the careers of many artistes, including Iggy Pop, Lou Reed, Mick...