April 9th, 2019 | by
![Tracing My Dad Vol. 10, Tony Visconti discusses Dennis Davis and David Bowie • Part 2 [76/77]]()
April 6th, 2019 | by
NickTracing My Dad • Vol. 10 • Tony Visconti discusses Dennis Davis and David Bowie • Part 2 The HD Projects presents, the second in a series of four interview videos, with world-famous music producer Tony Visconti, talking...

April 5th, 2019 | by
NickTo celebrate Decca 90, here is David Bowie in 1969 singing a track from 1966 set in 1910. Another highlight from Kenneth Pitt’s film, Love You Till Tuesday, here in fully restored HD, we see Bowie singing Rubber Band, which had...

david live
April 4th, 2019 | by
NickThe rarely performed Dancing With The Big Boys which Bowie co-wrote with Iggy Pop in 1984 for his Tonight album. American radio broadcast, Live in Berlin, 6th June...

April 3rd, 2019 | by
NickDAVID BOWIE – SCARY MONSTERS LP – PURPLE VINYL (BOW LP 2). One of only a handful of copies ever pressed (some sources say as little as 5 copies were produced), here’s an unbelievable chance to own one of the...

April 2nd, 2019 | by
NickFrom ‘hours…’ released in...

March 28th, 2019 | by
NickOn 24th May 2019, 45 years to the day since its original release date, David Bowie’s Diamond Dogs will be reissued by Parlophone in a ‘one-run-only’ red vinyl edition featuring the 2016 remaster. This strictly...
![Tracing My Dad Vol. 10 – Tony Visconti on his work with Dennis Davis & David Bowie Pt. 1 [74/75]]()
March 27th, 2019 | by
NickTracing My Dad • Vol. 10 • Tony Visconti on his work with Dennis Davis & David Bowie • Pt. 1 The HD Projects presents the first in a series of four interview videos, with world-famous music producer Tony Visconti,...

March 26th, 2019 | by

March 25th, 2019 | by
NickRIP Scott Walker 1943 – 2019. Scott Walker: 30th Century Man. Executive Producer David Bowie. Reclusive musician Scott Walker first became famous as a member of the 1960s trio The Walker Brothers. This documentary examines...