![Win advance copies of Ashes To Ashes: The Songs of David Bowie, 1976-2016 by Chris O’Leary]()
December 14th, 2018 | by
NickAs we approach the third anniversary of the death of one of the world’s most influential musicians, it’s time to take a closer look at his work – song by song. David Bowie’s restless creativity captured the imagination of...
![Steve Schapiro – ‘David Bowie, The Man Who Fell To Earth’ Exhibition in Moscow, January 11 – March 31, 2019]()
December 14th, 2018 | by
NickThe Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography presents the exhibition ‘David Bowie. The Man Who Fell To Earth’ by photographer Steve Schapiro. The exhibition shows never-before-published photos from the 1970s, including...
![David Bowie’s Lazarus musical coming to Melbourne, Australia in May 2019]()
December 14th, 2018 | by
NickDavid Bowie and Enda Walsh’s Lazarus musical is officially coming to Australia in May 2019. Local theatre group The Production Company will stage Lazarus in the Playhouse at Arts Centre Melbourne between May 18th and June...
![Win one of 3 signed copies of Ricochet by Denis O’Regan!]()
December 7th, 2018 | by
NickWe have teamed up with Denis O’Regan & Penguin books to give you the chance to win one of three signed copies of his stunning, #1 best-selling book ‘Ricochet‘. A breathtaking, never-before-seen glimpse into...